The following content may not be suitable for pussies.
A few animals were harmed in the making of this web page. Their families have not yet been notified, and I don't intend
on doing so.
So here's the deal. I was walking around, you know, like people do sometimes (if they have legs that work) and I stumbled
upon quite an interesting feat. I saw something, but what was it?!
I couldn't describe my emotions at the time. I was shocked, startled, horrified, bewildered, confused, astonished, and
enflamed with anxiety. Was it--could it be?? The creature then spoke...
I then heard a rustling from behind me yonder. The banging kept getting louder, and louder, until I realized what kept
hitting the ground...
It was Squirrelly McSquirrelson! "Sasquatch, I done told you fo the last time, nigga. You don't fuck wit my bitches on
my side of da hizzy, I be gettin real uptight about that bullshit now you need to cut it out...nigga. You can't beat me in
my game you ho. Beat deez nuts if you wanna beat somethin, nigga."
Squirrelly McSquirrelson was the most feared, big ball-ed squirrel in all of Caucasia.
I don't know how, but with the unblinking blink of an eye, they both turned to sheep. They then proceeded to do battle!!!
The End